Original Insights - Issue #4

"Teaching isn't what I do. It's who I am."

-Wendy Demartini


If I could send just one message to teachers and school administrators right now, it would be to remember you are still new at this. Expecting yourself to be the "you" of years past is a set-up for stress and suffering. You've never started a school year in a pandemic.

It makes sense that you are summoning previous experiences, your deep wells of resilience, and the insights you have into who you are and how you work.

One of the core beliefs woven into all Original Educator offerings is that our learner's mind gets us a lot farther than our knower's mind. Give yourself some space to live into the uncertainty of this time and face today with curiosity.

Maybe you resonate with Wendy's words above? If teaching is who you are, there may be some new discoveries to be made about who you are as a teacher in a pandemic. Now THAT is exciting... I would love to hear what you have learned about yourself!

On the Original Educator Facebook page, we are halfway through the September Self-Care Challenge. It is not too late to join! Follow me on Facebook (@originaleducatorcommunity) and download your toolkit here to get started.

There are a series of Facebook Live videos to supplement your experience. It has been great FUN to make them. I have had some really good chuckles along the way. Check it out!


Whether you participate in the self-care challenge for one day or all fourteen, you are welcome to join this virtual celebration of self-care!

Prizes include a 60-minute massage at Massage Envy, free access to my online course Return to Your Learner's Mind, and a couple of awesome books I can't wait to pass along to you! Register in advance here.

I see you.

Shine On,

Dr. Sara Knickerbocker

Chief Empowerment Officer


Original Educator Profile


Original Insights - Issue #3